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H&M Amsterdam

Together with influencer partner in crime Boomerang Agency, we have developed a tailor-made campaign for the people of Amsterdam, by the people of Amsterdam. The city is ever-evolving, you are ever-evolving, and the way we buy clothes is, indeed, ever-evolving. We want the H&M stores in Amsterdam to meet the needs of everyone in the city, and show that they’re listening to the changing needs and wishes of those who live in the city.
“For the people of Amsterdam, by the people of Amsterdam.”

Together with unique Amsterdam people and influencers and their audience, we worked on adapting the shopping experience of the H&M store. The future shopping experience contains: a Repair & Remake station, Rental & Resell service, Print On Demand & more – which contributes to a conscious future.

Varkens In Nood

Do you how how a pig ends up on your plate? The circumstances can be horrifying. Varkens In Nood wanted to shed light on the fact that, despite the Dutch law forbidding to do so, pigs’ tails were still being cut off on the daily. Media companies wouldn’t publish it, so we partnered up with Boomerang agency and got creative in order to share their message with the world.

As a word play to our Dutch expression “Kijken, kijken, niet kopen” (Looking, looking, not buying), we knew our audience tends to “Buy, Buy, Not Watch”. What if they did? Would they still consume pig meat the same way?

As we couldn’t share the actual videos, Boomerang Agency decided to create illustrations of the footage. To build further on these assets, we asked our influencers to come to the studio to watch these videos, and captured their reactions.

Beyond Meat

“We’re made to believe that to Go Beyond is only reserved for some of us. But To Go Beyond is in our human nature. For some, it’s a small thing. For others, a significant step”

Beyond Meat believes there is a better way to feed people and take care of our planet. Beyond Meat not only aims to lead the plant-based meat industry, but also wants to be seen as an essential brand in pop culture

We created local relevant influencer-driven brand videos, telling the story of how people Go Beyond. We showed unique and inspirational stories aiming to inspire others to join our movement.

Together with Boomerang we had 4 production days where went filming the influencers, capturing their stories in their own environment, what made them go Beyond? And how do they feel they can inspire other to do the same?

We showed unique and inspirational stories aiming to inspire others to join our movement.


“Together with Heineken, we have developed a tailor-made campaign, to built affinity amongst GenZ.
We want to show that by speaking their creative language, we’re listening to their needs and wants, in order to increase the cultural relevance amongst this generation.”

“Heineken challenges world standards with creativity and ingenuity”

Heineken is best enjoyed – together, always. Heineken wants to create cultural relevance and brand innovation amongst Gen-Z and build affinity with this target audience by speaking their same creative language. Being open-minded, inventive, wordly and with just the right amount of wit – our creators speak to GenZ. They are fresh thinkers that dare to step outside their comfort zone to (re)shape the world with us.

We spark connections with our Gen Z audience and show everyone how Heineken is best enjoyed – together, always.

Albert Heijn

Albert Heijn in honor of their 135th anniversary launched their own limited edition clothing line, the clothing line has unique pieces with only limited availability, safe to say it was a true collector’s item 😉

This was the summer’s go-to outfit to steal the show at festivals, holidays, you name it! Together with a carefully selected group of online content creators, we brought this limited-edition clothing line to the attention of TikTok. Because where better to get the attention of a broad Gen-Z and millennial audience, plus have the possibility to go viral? And that is exactly what we did!

Omyra Samadi

Communicatie Manager Tommy Hilfiger

There are few start-up agencies that have the same motivational drive as Shady Fereidooni has with House of Icons. Her hands on mentality and approach ensure that every collaboration is executed in the right way. She always makes sure the results are there. Her knowledge of marketing and digital media and her diverse and large network are huge.

Roy Ishak

Freelance copywriter & SEO-specialist

Richard St. John described in his book '8 to be great' the eight characteristics of successful people. And believe it or not, Shady fits the complete list. I don't know any young professional with a greater drive and set of skills than Shady. She possesses an above-average amount of persuasiveness, knowledge of people, an eye for detail and ambition.
Shady, I am genuinely curious about where you will be in five years with House of Icons and I am eagerly awaiting the moment that you rush past me with a cloud of dust ;).

Esmee van den Boom

PR Manager NARS

The House of Icons portfolio stands for diversity, individuality and identity, allowing us as a brand to perfectly match our brand and product launches with the talent. We have been working with Shady and House of Icons for various make-up brands for over 1,5 years. It is fantastic, as a brand, to grow with the icons. Shady always goes a step further, thinks along with you and always comes up with creative solutions. She knows her icons through and through and knows exactly where everyone's strengths lie.

Fabiana Broer

Influencer Manager RTL MCN

Shady is voor mij een echte do it yourself woman en daarin een inspiratie voor velen. Waar de meeste mensen een idee hebben, maar de daadwerkelijke stap naar het gewoon doen niet maken, is zij er met House of Icons vol voor gegaan. En heeft hierbij de meiden - de talenten, maar ook de werknemers - onder haar vleugels genomen. Met een groot portie doorzettingsvermogen en kennis, kan het niet anders dat Shady en House of Icons nog veel meer mooie dingen zal gaan neerzetten dan dat ze al hebben gedaan.